Saturday, September 10, 2016


The book I worked on with my dad, The Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, won first prize in the surgery category this week at the British Medical Association Medical Book Awards! 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Blunt Force Trauma

Western Schools saw this old illustration of blunt force trauma to the chest, and they asked to use it in one of their books. The silhouette is my friend (and excellent scientific illustrator) Sean Edgerton. I could have invented an outline, but it's fun putting friends and family into medical textbooks.

the original was in color, but it reproduced pretty well in black and white.

Monday, February 29, 2016

New Medical Illustrations

I've been working on 100 (!!) new illustrations for a book on visceral trauma. It's a mix of straightforward anatomy and complex surgical procedures, so I'm getting a lot of practice drawing hands and learning to distill busy photographs of surgeries in progress into simplified, understandable images.